Privacy Policy

Last updated: June 11th, 2024 stores information in cookies and databases. Cookies are used for the purpose of storing a session ID for consistency across the website. will only use the information you provide to ensure necessary functionality and the best user experience. None of the information you submit to the website will be shared with any third parties, unless strictly necessary and with provided notice. uses some third party services, such as Sign In with Google, Google reCAPTCHA, Google Data API, Google Analytics, Cloudflare and Paypal. Third party services are used to improve website functionality and user experience. Analytics tools, such as Google Analytics, uses your web browser to automatically send information to a relevant third party. This includes the URL of the page you’re visiting and your IP address. Various third party services may also use cookies. Please see the following pages for more information: Google Cookie Policies, YouTube's Terms of Service, Google's API Services User Data Policy, How Google Uses Information from Partner Sites, Cloudflare Privacy and Data Protection Documents, Paypal Statement on Cookies and Tracking Technology.

The data that stores from your account, if you use Sign In with Google or other third-party providers, is limited exclusively to your e-mail address. This is necessary to create an account name to connect to your user profile.

If you allow access to your Youtube account, the data that is accessed is limited to the action(s) that you have consented to. If you have consented to a channel subscription, the app will subscribe your account to the HDPacks channel and/or verify your subscription. If you decide to be credited for liking and commenting on videos, the app will verify that you have performed the stated actions and credit you if verified. The website accesses your account through the Google Data v3 API, using the basic Youtube scope, via the OAuth screen. The information that we store are database records that confirm the action you have agreed to, such as a Youtube subscription or like. complies with the Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.

If you allow to access any account, whether for action confirmation, sign in, payment, or other, the reason for data access and storage will always be clearly stated and will not be used beyond that express purpose. You will be informed of the data we collect and how we use that information through our privacy policy. You may at any time revoke access that you have granted to through your user profile, however you may lose the privileges of the associated service(s).

Your information is protected by the proper implementation of modern security practices, such as strong hashing algorithms and the TSL v1.3 protocol. endeavors to use the best approach to maintaining high quality and up-to-date security standards.

This privacy policy may change for the purpose of adding to and improving the quality of the information contained herein.

If you have any questions or concerns, you may contact the webmaster via the contact form.